When I heard my friend say these words last year, the power in them took my breath away. What I felt to be true, in fact, that she had MADE the choice to love something that she wasn’t, because the alternative was not serving her. It can come as a great cost to us to choose to focus on all the stuff we don’t love and like. The cost comes to our health, our happiness, our relationships, and can even keep us from fully loving and accepting ourselves so that we can evolve. For me and countless others, Pangu Shengong has been instrumental in remembering the capacity of our hearts to love and to heal.
I am starting a new small group of people in my private transformational program in early May. Contact me to see if this might be a good fit for you to transform your health, anxiety, cancer history/diagnosis, and/or pain into a new, lighter, happier, healthier, freer, reality. You can also find a spot on my calendar here so we have some time to have a focuses conversation. […And sign up below for the free class on Tuesday, April 16 to learn more about how to be empowered to fully reclaim your life.