“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.” -Amit Ray
This idea of the interconnectedness among each and everyone of us, keeps showing up for me in the last few months. It’s not an idea that I was brought up with, although I do think that it is a foundational lesson of my faith. I continue to be in awe of how experiences and people show up for me at exactly the right moment. It has been enriching for me to take those moments and interactions and just go with it, staying present and calm to hear the message.
So, after catching way too much national election coverage lately, I find myself looking for ways I can open my own heart and feel and show kindness where I might have been previously missing an opportunity. Because any little thing or big thing I do to perpetuate kindness, will ripple far beyond me. Personally, I haven’t had to look too far. I would think that none of us really would.
So, I encourage you join me in two ways in the month ahead:
First, identify an area of your day/self-talk/pattern, where you can be a little bit easier with yourself. Cut yourself some slack. Be as kind and compassionate with yourself with this matter as though you are speaking to your best friend. If you are trying to change a pattern and it is challenging (i.e. resistance), lighten up on yourself just as you would a cherished friend, and see if it gets easier to take a step toward the change you desire.
Second, identify an interaction or relationship where you can be more kind, tolerant, and open-hearted towards another. This could be a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker, someone you feel has a lot of judgment about you, etc. You get the picture. If you really want to be challenged, look for areas of your life where you tend to not have as much patience. Chances are there is an opportunity there. For what it is worth, you don’t have to take on the most difficult, contentious relationship in your life here either.
On your quest to be kinder and more open-hearted and tolerant with yourself and others, begin to notice:
- Where can I be a more accepting of another (or myself)?
- Where can I let go of illusion that I can control an outcome?
- Where am I resisting a connection with another?
- Where is my ego stopping me from reaching out? …from being vulnerable? …from surrendering?
- Where am I digging in – choosing to be right over being kind?
We can do this, people. We can start and perpetuate the ripples that are the “highest blessings of the Universe”.
Peace be with you.