Recently, I have had a wonderful opportunity to practice staying calm in the midst of much going on that would have knocked me completely off my center five years ago. While I still encounter plenty of instances where the calm is not so accessible – I still get overwhelmed or frustrated. However, I am able to pause in the midst and experience what is coming up without staying in the grip of anxiety. So. Valuable.
The mindfulness, spiritual teachings of the faith I grew up in and other ancient teachings, the daily qi gong, tai chi, and meditation – all help to navigate the intensity that can be life – I move through those moments with more grace, patience, and less suffering than before.
So what about those moments, when I don’t manage my stress as well as I would like? What about your moments when you aren’t experiencing the clarity to choose the response that would be life affirming? In my work with my own “stuff” and in guiding clients through behavior change and paradigm shifting, I have come to accept that every behavior (even if not life-affirming) has a positive intention. Take a look at the places in our life where we have a habit or pattern that we identify as not life affirming or life promoting. Really look at what is the underlying intention of that behavior. Some of these behaviors or patterns could be: eating when not hungry, excessive alcohol, constant negative talk in your head, staying up late and therefore not getting enough sleep, smoking. Take the judgement our of it and ask “What’s my pattern that’s causing my discontent”? We all have something. Identify your habit or pattern that you know would be helpful to shift/cease/replace.
What is the positive intention of that behavior? Belonging, acceptance, self-reliance, nourishment? Something else?
Is there another way to reach that intention that involves a more life-affirming behavior?
There are always choices. Come to the guided meditation or schedule with me for support empowering you to set the stage for inevitable progress towards both your positive intention AND life-affirming choices.
Peace be with you.