I am more than enough. I have what I need. I have gratitude for the abundance in my life.
Recognizing those truths in my core being has been instrumental in my own healing, reclaiming my joy, overcoming my anxiety and resolving some health issues. It hasn’t been easy and there are still times when my old patterns and beliefs come to the forefront of my consciousness and affect my actions.
The old patterns were based on a myth of scarcity and a general long held belief that, in all things, there was a lack of abundance. These patterns shaped everything I did for much of my life and I would venture a guess that they have played a big part in the lives of most everyone I know.
It is so easy to start the day from this “not enough” viewpoint: not enough sleep.
This can very easily become an overarching sentiment of the day. There’s not enough time. I don’t have enough energy, That’s too expensive. I am not worthy enough. I didn’t exercise enough, work enough, love enough, get loved enough, etc.
Lynne Twist talks about 3 Damaging Myths about scarcity that keep us from feeling abundance in our lives.
1) There’s not enough and that someone is going lose
2) More is better
3) That’s just the way it is and it’s never going to change.
Sound familiar? Most people nod their head when these myths are pointed out. It can be a challenge to embrace the idea that they may not be true.
What if the truth is that there IS enough time, money, love, nourishment, sleep, etc?
Take sleep, for example. What if it’s true that in order for you to get enough sleep no one else has to suffer? There’s enough sleep (or insert another thing you believe there isn’t enough of). There are people who live at what we would consider “poverty level” and they GET THIS. They don’t live their lives from a place of lack or scarcity. Even though our standards might consider them “impoverished”, they have peace in their lives, they are connected to their inner wisdom, and they have a resilience that many financially “better off” people have never known.
So how to break free from the myths? Especially from the last myth I listed – “That’s just the way it is and it isn’t ever going to change”? This myth can be part of the reason that we can’t let go of patterns that are no longer servicing us. In fact, we must realize our power to change what we can. Where can we affect the biggest change in our control with far-reaching effects? Change what is on the inside – our internal landscape/climate/chatter.
How can we shift our inner landscape?
Gratitude: Find the grace for what you have NOW. Find gratitude for your blessings in your life, for the things that are going well. What if you were grateful for everything in your life? Even for the things in your life that you have decided are terrible. [NB: I get that some people have had horrendous things happen to them. It is possible, though, not to have those events set the tone for everything else.] Perhaps there was some lesson or hidden opportunity. Notice your abundance and blessings. When you find the gratitude, even in small ways, for all of it, notice what happens!
“You AND Me” not “You OR Me”: What if the intention of the human species was not competition but cooperation? How does that change EVERYTHING? What if every interaction we trusted that we were going receive what we needed and so would anyone else involved in that interaction. What if more of life was a Win-Win?
If you are finding that you are experiencing resistance to shifting a scarcity mindset, you wouldn’t be the first person.
What beliefs are holding you back from a feeling of abundance and having and being more than enough? Where does anxiety about not having enough keep you from enjoying even the simple things? What would it take for you to change your story?
Contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation to include some breakthrough coaching strategies to begin to identify that might be limiting you or keeping you in a feeling of “stuck”. Being willing to let go of some old stories that are not serving you anymore, opens up an evolution in your health and happiness.