Do the stories in your head ever sound like this?
“I’ll have some peace when “event y” happens (or when “event z” stops happening)”
“Everything would be fine if I had willpower to stop “behavior x”.
“There is not enough time/energy/money to “outcome w.”
In my own life when I am aware that these old patterns resurface, they coincide with less connection to joy; less connection present in the moment. Interrupting those patterns is essential for wellness and for activating the momentum again.
So how do we interrupt the patterns and reconnect to joy?
1. Things Will Not Stay The Way They Are
First thing is to realize, that without a doubt, that things will not stay the way they are. Yes, this thing is happening \ in my head \ in my life \ in my body \ with a loved one \ that I do not like. Just like everything else in my life, I am clear that this situation is temporary. Find comfort in that. Perhaps doing so allows some room for surrender in the moment. Surrender is simply “relaxing into the present moment”.
2. Treat Myself Like A Beloved Friend
Second, make a conscious decision to treat myself like a beloved friend. Talk to myself like I would talk to and support someone I care deeply about. I am going to lovingly remind myself to choose Wisdom over Woe. Remind myself that it is always a choice to go into BLAME, REGRET, RESENTMENT – it is always a choice to make someone else responsible for my happiness. Real inner strength rises when we own the fact that we are responsible for our happiness.
3. Accept That I Am The Only Person I Truly Have Control Over
This leads to the third choice back towards joy: Get very clear that I am the only person that I truly have control over. So when I go into a state of blame, get hung up on what I deserve, or feel entitled to something, I am giving away my power. Instead, I will choose to take action with an open and benevolent heart. I will choose to be grateful for my blessings and challenges that help me to grow. I will be in celebration of the Great Full-ness of life.
By really connecting to this idea that I am doing the best I can in the moment, I allow the kindness for myself in. Truly. Powerfully. Pema Chodron describes this state, known as maitri in Buddhist teachings, as having unconditional friendship with oneself and then extending that warm heart to all others (or vice versa). When I can get back to that place of knowing that I am enough on this day, AND be truly Grateful for what is in my life (warts and all), connection to joy is RIGHT THERE if even in some small way. It never was disconnected really – only temporarily blocked.
It is not always EASY or PAINLESS to choose kindness As I learn, grow, mentor, and teach others how to suffer less and to heal deeply , I am clear that that this is how we make transformational progress. There are many ways to support transformational change and healing. Keep reading for a very unique and powerful upcoming opportunity to have more access kindness, unconditional love, and open heartedness for healing and a happier and healthier life.
Qi Gong Master Ou returns to Raleigh, June 16-19, 2017
Kindness and benevolence as basis;
Frankness and friendliness to heart.
These words are the foundation for the healing energy in Pangu Shengong, a simple yet profoundly effective, efficient and powerful set of Qi Gong exercises that can help the body, mind, spirit deeply heal. If you would like to learn more about how to cultivate energy for body, mind, and spirit that connects more fully to the sentiment in the lines above, please attend one or more of the various workshops or group healings offered June 16-19, 2017 when Qi Gong Master Ou, Wen Wei visits Raleigh.
There are many opportunities all weekend for current and new students. Particularly, on Saturday, June 17 at 9:00am the Foundational Qi Cultivation (Moving Form) Qi Gong is scheduled. The group healings, Foundational Qi Cultivation Moving Form, and Pangu Yoga have no pre-requisites. If you have already learned the Moving Form (Foundational Qi Cultivation Qi Gong), please contact me so we can talk about what your next options could be. I am also certified to teach both the Moving and Non-Moving Forms of Pangu Shengong. I would love to talk to you more about how these practices have changed my life.