A main source of anxiety is being preoccupied or focused on matters that are outside of your control.
Part 2:
This includes:
-regretting or resenting YOUR decisions/behaviors that were made in the past that you perceive are affecting your now.
[The other day, I shared (Part 1) about the anxiety that was connected to resenting the behavior of OTHERS.]
We can spend a lot of personal energy and attention and THINKING on our own past behavior, patterns, etc. And since we cannot undo the past, it is all outside of our control NOW.
Does this sound familiar?
-“This is just what always happens to me.”
-“I just always [insert negative behavior you do and haven’t been able to stop].”
-You are hard on yourself or punishing yourself either inwardly or out loud in the presence of others.
-You question whether you deserve to be free of suffering and have joy in your life.
-“The universe is just against me.”
-“Here we go again…”
-“See? I just can’t catch a break.”
Replaying the past decisions that you regret affects your anxiety NOW because you have a belief system that has you looking for evidence that things are destined to go the WRONG way for you.
No one’s life is DESTINED to go the WRONG way.
(And yes, the struggles are real. We are meant to EVOLVE. We do this through challenges.)
And the things that happened in the past, you have no control over NOW.
So what are you getting out of holding onto the actions and thoughts and patterns of the past that you REGRET?
Some of you may have an answer for that…besides “Nothing”.
Some of you may know RATIONALLY, “Nothing. I am getting nothing out of holding that regret and resentment for things I have done and thought in the past.”
Ah, but yet we still do it.
What are you letting go of NOW from this point on?
I encourage you to chose and decide to do it.
AND to truly let go so that our bodies (health), minds (patterns), and souls are FREE from anxiety, requires that we first cultivate acceptance about what it is (and has been). Second, we must also replenish ourselves with foundational energy. The things that have happened in our lives, especially traumatic events or emotionally painful relationships, drain us. In our society, we have not grown up with effective ways to remedy that draining.
When you have a proven method for not only improving your foundational energy AND the support of someone who can assist you with clearing out the energy that got lodged as a result of traumatic events or painful relationships, there is a palpable and decisive shift. When you have that shift, having a guide empowering you in this new territory is KEY.
Join my free Facebook group Loving Living FREEDOM to see if I can help you with that guidance. It has been my honor and joy to do this for hundreds of clients in the last few years.
This is the time to change everything. If you choose…
[You can also contact me here to find out more about working with me intensively.]Peace be with you,
Erin Tracy
*Previous sections of this post: Part 1